★Message from Rick Riso
On behalf of all of us here at Risen Son Productions, in Los Angeles, we want to take this opportunity to offer our congratulations to you, and all those at Cool Sound, for doing an outstanding job at providing quality service and great music to all your Japanese listeners! We look forward to expanding our relationship with the Japanese music market through you in the future with additional releases from our product line, and are proud of the wonderful service you provide. We highly value our association with you. Here's to a great future!

Rick Riso

★Message from Jack Conrad
Dear Toshi, My sincerest congratulations on the second anniversary of COOL SOUND and many thanks for your continued support of the various Bottom Line projects. Wishing you continued success for the future.

Jack Conrad

★Message from David Garfield
Creatchy records is proud to announce the release of our two newest products with Cool Sound in Japan. Congratulations to Toshi Nakada and Cool Sound. We look forward to releasing more of our music for the the super Japanese fans with Cool Sound..........David Garfield

★Message from Eric Tagg
Dear Toshi,

I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you and COOL SOUND. I remember when you were trying to get it off the ground, and had big ideas, dreams that have now come true! We went together to interview your hero Chris Christian at his sound stage/museum in Dallas. I also had to find many used record stores for you, and we spent hours driving there and looking at millions of nostalgic discs. (You found some collector's items). It was great fun for me! The last few times I have been in Japan, you were there to meet me and spend time, and I appreciate that. You published interviews and wrote the liner notes on my CD's. Fantastic. Those are great memories, my friend, and I hope we can continue them very soon.

'Til then,
Eric Tagg

★Message from 沼澤 尚
好きな人にはたまらない「サウンド」というのが、いつの世にも、どんな場所にもあると思います。 そんな趣味の世界を「好きだから」という理由だけで盛り上げようとしている貴重な人達がこの日本にはいました。こんな人達が全世界にいたりすると、あのいい時代にいたいいミュージシャン、ア ーチスト、ソングライター、プロデューサー、アレンジャーがまた競いあって、「 あのA.O.R.」の時代が戻って来てくれるのではないかと信じています。 やっぱりレベルが上がっていくという事が大事ですね。 この「オーレ・クール・サウンド」がその台風の目になってくれる事を心から願っています。

沼澤 尚